Currently, two research projects are underway involving HMH and Cedar Lake dippers. For one, researchers from Rockefeller University are focused on studying the activation of "brown fat" via regular cold water immersion. Brown fat is a special kind of fat that burns regular fat and glucose to generate heat. Frequent cold water immersion is believed to stimulate brown fat activation and growth in adults, resulting in an increased metabolic rate. This may offer health benefits, including weight loss, increased insulin sensitivity, and a reduced risk of metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes.

The science of brown fat in adult humans is still unclear. So it is really exciting that research projects like this are underway!

The second research project examines the mental health benefits of regular cold water immersion. This is an area where many regular dippers feel the benefits, both in terms of elevated mood and reduced anxiety. The research is a Quasi-Experimental Investigation being conducted by Theo Stewart-Franzen, from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, under the supervision of Dr. Marina Rosenthal and Dr. Kathryn Labore.

Again, this practice has many incredible health benefits, and research is providing the science to back it up.